
The therapies used in this treatment  include 'allergy testing' and 'desensitisation', supported by herbal, homeopathic and nutritional supplements where appropriate.

Homeopathic medicineherbal medicine

Many people assume that their diet is perfectly adequate to their needs but this does not take into account the fact that modern farming methods deplete the soil of essential vitamins and minerals. The accumulation of chemicals from both the production and processing of foods can be harmful to an increasing number of people.
The Asyra Transdermal Testing Machine can identify sensitivities and individual requirementas for specific nutrients so that treatment can be tailor made to each person. Nutritional Counselling can help raise awareness of nutritional needs before they lead to serious illness including mental illness and poor psychological functioning.

Conditions for which this type of treatment is likely to be effective include: Allergies and sensitivities. Irritable Bowel. Digestive Upsets. Headaches & Migraines. Heavy Metal Toxicity. Arthritis & Joint Pain. Candidiasis. Blood Sugar Imbalance. Menopausal Problems. Pre-Menstrual Tension. Chronic Fatigue & ME.

Areas of special interest to me are: Mental Health & Developmental Difficulties incuding Dyslexia & Asperger's Syndrome in both adults and children.

The Rose Clinic, Natural Therapist in Wem
Rose Clinic Natural Therapist Wem